Welcome to the Metter, GA RoadRunner's
Camping Club Web Site.
Club President 2019
Norm Schoppenhorst AB9FC
Email: AB9FC@arrl.Net

Information about this web site may be obtained
from the Editor at: fred@fredandpatti.com
By Betty Vaughn
This Camping Club consists of Southern
Ladies and Gentlemen who normally
doing the week of the 3rd Thursday of each
in different camp grounds for social
gatherings and camping fun. Several of our
group are Amateur Radio Operators (Ham
Radio) and "sport" different antenna's on
their coaches and toads. Also, some
members are into Geocaching. (Ga. State
parks is a treasure cove for geocaching.)

The purpose of this web site is to keep our
members and friends informed of future
planned activities. Should any non-member
stumble on this web site, the welcome mat
is always open - please contact the club
president for more information.

The Metter Roadrunner
George Lilley   KL7IEK
Road·run·ner -ˈrōdˌrənər noun – a slender fast-running bird
of the cuckoo family, found chiefly in arid country from the
southern US to Central America.
But what is the infamous Metter Roadrunner?  Still belonging to
the cuckoo family, the Eastern Metter Roadrunner is a rare bird
indeed.  It can only be seen during the second week of each
month.  It only ventures out of its nest Monday through Friday.  
This behavior may seem strange, but it makes perfect sense
when you consider the number of Weekend wily coyotes found
lurking throughout the Georgia State Parks.  Some weird habits
that are observed of this strange member of the cuckoo family are
its eating habits.  It is reported that this strange bird will eat
extreme amounts of food during the week it spends out of the
nest.  Then the bird returns to its nesting area, eating very little so
as to motivate it to return month after month to a new feeding
The Metter Roadrunner has a very strange call.  Some have said
that it sounds like random groups of letters that are blurted out at
very high frequencies.  Some have said that they have captured
these strange vocalizations; i.e. WK1F, WK1E, W4CYJ, N4FOH,
W4TFK, etc.  One of the rarest calls reportedly is that of the Arctic
Roadrunner which is often found flocking with its southern
cousin.  The Arctic Roadrunner’s haunting call sounds like
KL7IEK.  Many of these strange sounds can also be heard calling
out to other migrating birds, most commonly the migrating Snow
Bird, between 0700 to 0900 each day of the week. This is strange
behavior indeed.
I’ve heard it said that these strange creatures actually take a
mobile nest with them and can be captured at many of Georgia’s
state parks and numerous other wooded camping areas.  It’s said
that this behavior is driven by its need to escape from the
weekend wily coyotes trying to take part in the Metter
Roadrunners feeding habits.
So here is hoping that in your travels through the great southeast
you get the chance see one of these rare birds.  I really hope that
you can get a picture of one or two of them. If you do, please try
to get it into the next news-letter.  Be very careful, it has been said
that the habits of this bird can be catching.
Cheers George, AKA the strange bird from up north KL7IEK,
squawk, squawk, squawk…  
Metter RoadRunner
Members Only link
Fred's Favorite Links
and Maintenance items
Our April campout during the week of  4/16/20 will be at the Reed Bingham, Ga  State Park,
near Adel, Ga.  From  Adel: Exit 39 on I-75: Follow signs on Highway 37 to the park.
Approximately 6 miles from the interstate (I-75).  The campground is west of I-75.

A 375 acre lake is popular with boaters and skiers, and fishing for bass, crappie, catfish and
bream is excellent. Paddlers can rent canoes and kayaks to explore this beautiful lake lined
with fragrant water lilies and tupelo trees. Guided pontoon boat tours are sometimes offered
during events. The beach side pavilion, picnic shelters and group shelters are scenic spots for
parties, reunions and other celebrations. Several trails exist with 16 geocaches - I found 8
during our last campout there.

Reed Bingham is less than six miles from I-75, making it a relaxing stop for travelers. It was
named for Amos Reed Bingham who was instrumental in having the park established. Visitors
to this pretty park usually see abundant wildlife, including species such as gopher tortoises,
yellow bellied sliders and indigo snakes. Nesting bald eagles are often seen in winter.
American alligators are often seen sunning along the lake's edge. During winter, thousands of
black vultures and turkey vultures, roost in the trees and soar overhead. Nearly 80 percent of
the Coastal Plain's plant community can be found along the park's Coastal Plain Nature Trail,
making this park's habitat some of the most diverse in the country.

George and Janice will be our hosts and please keep me advised of your reservations and site
number - don't forget, Ga State Parks are now site specific. More information later about happy
hours and dining.
All camping for the Metter RoadRunners has been
temporally suspended due to the Coronavious Pandemic
until further notice.

Once we get an "All Clear" for outdoor events, we will
attempt to get back to some camping.
Keep checking this web site

In the mean time, HUNKER DOWN and keep updated.